Wednesday, January 30, 2008

High Blood Pressure! What Is It? How Is It Scored? Is There A Cure?

Did you know that if you are over the age of 20, you could be part of the 65 million Americans who suffer from high blood pressure? That is about one in three adults in the United States. Why should we be concerned? Each year, high blood pressure, also called hypertension, takes the lives of almost 60,000 Americans. Sadly, the rate of death from high blood pressure increased nearly 30 percent in the last decade alone. This 'silent killer' has become an epidemic among nearly all ethnicities, genders and age groups. If you or a loved one suffers this devastating disease please continue to educate yourself and take action TODAY!

High Blood Pressure What is it?

What is blood pressure? Blood pressure is basically the force pushing on the arteries by your blood as it passes through them. Someone with high blood pressure has blood that is putting higher than normal pressure on the arteries. This puts more stress on the body. Hence, the heart has to work so hard to get the blood pumped through those arteries that it can actually enlarge and damage the heart, eventually causing a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm and other heart problems if left untreated. High blood pressure can be deadly if left untreated.

How is Blood Pressure Scored?

Testing your blood pressure is extremely quick and simple. The actual measuring of blood pressure is done with the help of a blood pressure cuff, which most people are familiar with. It is highly recommended that you get your blood pressure checked immediately if you think you suffer from high blood pressure. Unfortunately, there are no symptoms for high blood pressure, hence the name 'silent killer'. Once tested you will receive two numbers.

Simply put, your blood pressure is measured as one number "over" another number, such as 120/80. The top number is your systolic pressure or the measure of the blood pressure while the heart is beating. The bottom number is your diastolic pressure or the pressure when the heart is at rest.

What is considered High Blood Pressure?

Here are the numbers for what is usually considered "normal," as well as prehypertension and hypertension.

Systolic Pressure over Diastolic Pressure

Normal (less than 120 over less than 80)

Prehypertension (120-139 over 80-89)

Stage One (140-159 over 90-99)

Stage Two (160 or higher over 100 or higher)

If your blood pressure does not clearly fall into one of these categories, the higher number is the decisive number to look at. For example, Bill's systolic blood pressure is 125 but his diastolic is 75. Bill would still be considered prehypertension. And Bill should continue reading!

Is there a cure for high blood pressure?

Fortunately, there is a 'natural way' to lower your high blood pressure. It is also highly recommended to seek medical advice if you suffer from hypertension. Naturally curing hypertension with doctors' advice will always provide the best results. Unfortunately, many high blood pressure medications (Diuretics, Beta Blockers, ACE Inhibitors, Alpha Blockers and Vasodilators) have very unpleasant side effects. For information on this please check out our link below.

Start naturally treating your High Blood Pressure Today with these twelve tips!

1. Exercise for 30 minutes at least 4 times a week! Exercise equals a strong, efficient heart.

2. Loss that extra 15! This appears impossible however, you would be surprised what will happen if you eat smaller portions and keep exercising!

3. Pass on the salt! Sodium reduction is a key to your high blood pressure treatment!

4. Grains are great, fruits are fabulous, and vegetables are vivacious!

5. Reduce your intake of alcohol.

6. Pack the potassium. Potassium is essential for lowering your blood pressure. Eat bananas, citrus fruits, low-fat milk and some vegetables.

7. More Magnesium! Potassium and magnesium usually go hand-in-hand for lowering blood pressure. Eat whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables and most nuts.

8. Calcium is King! This mineral will be a god-send to hypertension sufferers. Consider low-fat dairy products and calcium supplements.

9. Garlic has become a popular supplement! It is no wonder; it has great benefits to help your high blood pressure.

10. How about Hawthorn? No, not the writer the herb! Sprinkle this herb on any dish and watch those blood pressure numbers plummet.

11. Multi-vitamins are loaded with vitamins that benefit your health and lower your blood pressure.

12. Relax! I know it sounds simple, but you would be surprised how many people forget about this.

Finally, don't stop here! This is just the tip of the iceberg for getting your life back to normal and lowering your blood pressure. You are dealing with a deadly disease if left untreated. Please take a few more minutes and check out our high blood pressure/hypertension website which is 100% satisfaction guarenteed. You would be amazed what others are saying about it! Please click below.

Joe Barton writes for Barton Publishing Inc., a natural health company specializing in treating people with natural remedies and safe, affordable cures. To learn how to lower your score today, click here!Agneta Blog57375
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